After A Hurricane Hits

Post-Storm Safety Tips

Fire Restoration

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms are potential disasters that plague Florida and much of the coastal areas of the eastern United States. Many injuries occur in the aftermath of a tropical storm and hurricane. And, as the 2021 Hurricane Season progresses, now is a vital time to know all of the ways you and your neighbors can stay safe. The following are some tips you can follow to stay safe if a hurricane hits your area.

What to do After a Hurricane Strikes

  • Remain inside until local authorities say it is safe to go outside.
  • If you must go outside, beware of fallen objects and downed electrical wires. In Florida, you can report downed power lines to Florida Power & Light at 1-800-4OUTAGE.
  • Inspect your home for damage to ensure that it is safe to stay there. Specifically, check for gas leaks and potentially dangerous trees and structures.
  • Contact your insurance agent. When doing this, take pictures of the damage and keep good records of repair and cleanup costs.
  • Stay out of areas with extensive flood damage.
  • Don’t open manhole covers to drain flooded roadways. This could overburden the sewer system and cause a backup.
  • If you live in an area where residential and commercial use areas (such as plant nurseries) are located near each other, be sure to keep residential and commercial debris separated.
  • If your property isn’t near a curb or a public right-of-way, or if you live in a community with private roads, do not move debris to the curb until instructed to do so by government officials.

Contact PuroClean of Aventura and Davie For Property Damage Restoration Services

If and when disaster strikes your home or business, call the restoration experts at PuroClean. For Hurricane Season or any other time of year, our team stands ready to assist you with all of your restoration needs. Call us at (305) 907-7373 for Miami-Dade and (954) 233-1100 for Broward for any water, fire, and mold restoration services.