April 3-9 is National Public Health Week

In The Community

April 3-9 National Public Health Week

Did you know?

  • Thirty-five million homes in America have at least one health or safety hazard.
  • Over 24 million homes have lead-based paint hazards, which put children at risk of lead poisoning.
  • The presence of radon in homes causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths annually and is the top cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers.
  • About 40 percent of asthma attacks are connected to preventable triggers, such as mold and rodents, inside people's homes. Children are particularly vulnerable: Every year, asthma among children leads to 2 million emergency room visits, 14 million missed school days and $56 billion in costs.

These statistics, provided by National Public Health Week (NPHW), demonstrate how conditions in your home can impact your health. NPHW is an annual observance to recognize the importance of public health, and this year it is being observed on April 3-9. The American Public Health Association (APHA) has served as the lead organizer of NPHW for nearly 20 years.

The theme of this year’s NPHW is “Healthiest Nation 2030,” with the goal of making the U.S. the healthiest nation in one generation. During this week, events will be hosted around the country demonstrating ways in which people can take an active role in achieving this goal.

During NPHW, APHA brings together communities across the United States to highlight issues that are important to improving health nationwide. This year’s campaign features information and strategies to help spread the word about public health and champion the role of a strong public health system.

Visit NPHW’s website and get involved in the various events in your community. Using the tools and tips on the website, you can learn how to join challenges, attend nearby events, host events or promote NPHW.

In the spirit of public health week, we remind you to stay safe and healthy. Join the movement today!