How to Avoid Fire Hazards in the Bedroom

Fire Restoration

Did you know that half of all home fire deaths occur in bedrooms? That’s also where most electrical fires start too. However, you can easily prevent bedroom fires by following these essential safety tips:

  • Don’t run electric cords under the bed or carpeting. Don’t trap cords against a wall where heat can build up. Keep cords untangled to allow heat to dissipate. Never overload an extension cord.
  • Always supervise space heaters. Turn them off when leaving the bedroom or going to sleep.
  • Install arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) to prevent fires in electrical switches. They shut off the circuit when an unintentional discharge of electricity occurs in the circuit.
  • Install tamper resistant receptacles (TRRs) in all rooms if you have children. These devices prevent them from inserting foreign objects like hairpins into the outlet.
  • Never put devices that are charging under bedding. Leaving a laptop on the bed can also cause a fire.
  • Only use laboratory-approved electric blankets and warmers. Don’t fold them as it may damage the wiring. Never sleep with an electric blanket turned on and regularly check it for overheating.
  • Keep flammable objects at least three feet away from heat sources, such as space heaters, candles, and electronics.
  • Keep lit candles away from combustible objects like bedding, curtains, and paper. Consider replacing burning candles with battery-operated flameless candles.
  • Use only mattresses that meet the 2007 Federal Mattress Flammability Standard.
  • Don’t smoke in bed — you might fall asleep with a lit cigarette in your hand and it could catch fire. Use fire-safe cigarettes as they extinguish more quickly.
  • Install smoke alarms inside and outside each bedroom. Test smoke alarms monthly and replace them every 10 years. Replace batteries once a year.
  • Create a fire escape plan. Make sure each room has two exits. Practice your home fire drill with everyone in the home at night and during the day twice a year.

The misuse of electric devices can result in home fires, so check out more Home Electrical Safety Tips. For more fire safety tips, read How to Prevent Home Fires: 12 Tips to Stay Safe. For professional fire damage repair or smoke remediation services, contact your local PuroClean office.