January is National Radon Action Month

In The Community

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated January National Radon Action Month. This month, everyone is encouraged to increase their awareness of Radon poisoning and take steps to reduce the Radon levels in their homes.

Radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that seeps in through the soil and rocks under homes or buildings and poses health risks if found at dangerous levels. After smoking, it is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths, claiming 21,000 American lives each year.

The EPA and the U.S Surgeon General recommend that you test your home for Radon this month. Test kits are simple to use and inexpensive. More information about radon test kits.

Furthermore, several events are organized in communities during National Radon Action Month. If you are interested in participating, contact your municipality or county for events in your area. You can also plan an activity in your community and urge others to join as well. Browse for available activities.

Another important thing you can do this month is to help raise awareness of Radon poisoning. Tell your family, friends and neighbors about the risks of Radon and the benefits of Radon testing. Social media is a great way to spread the word.

Lastly, the EPA advises that you look for a Radon-resistant home if you are in the market for a new one. Here you can find the list of construction companies that build Radon-resistant homes.

For professional fire, water and mold restoration services, contact your local PuroClean office.