ring of mold in toilet

Removing Mold from Your Toilet

Mold Restoration

Have you noticed gross, black mold in your toilet? If you have mold in toilet, don’t fret because there are simple techniques to eliminate it without using chemicals. It is perfectly normal to find all types of mold in the toilet, not just the black variety, when stagnant water sits long enough.

Toilet mold is notoriously unsanitary. It’s is a combination of a harmful spore and one of the objectively grossest places in a home. Nobody wants to look down over their glazed porcelain throne and see mold growth, especially guests who are venturing from the comfort and safety of their toilet to use yours.

Mold is harmful to human health, and prolonged exposure to mold can cause illnesses. As a result, it is critical to remove the black mold from the toilet as soon as possible.

This article will cover exactly what you need to do to get rid of it. It will also provide you with some natural solutions and tips on how to prevent toilet mold in the future.

ring of mold in toilet


We must first understand that mold is a fungus. Mold spores and mildew grow in dark, humid places (such as the bowl and tank). When you’ve been away for even a few days on vacation, black mold may be seen in your toilet bowl or tank.

Because mold thrives in damp and dark places, your toilet bowl and tank are ideal breeding grounds for it. If you don’t have proper ventilation or exhaust fans in your bathrooms, these damp and dark places can help create the ideal environment for mold growth.


Wearing gloves and a mask is suggested since black mold is a fungus that produces spores. You may want to use eye protection as well. Check out the details of the EPA’s advice on what to wear when removing mold here.

When it comes to cleaning mold in toilet, you will need a few things. You’re probably already in possession of most of them, so this should be a very cheap and straightforward project.

  • Rubber gloves
  • Cleaning mask
  • Toilet brush (never use a metal scrubber or steel wool as it will wreck your toilet)
  • A cup of vinegar or a cup of vinegar-water solution
  • Spray bottle
  • Baking soda
  • Toilet bowl cleaner
  • A cup of bleach or a cup of chlorine bleach solution
  • Magic Eraser
mold in toilet tank


While anti-fungal sprays are available, there are natural solutions that contain non-abrasive material that can produce excellent results. White vinegar is the ideal natural remedy for removing mold from your toilet. You can use distilled white vinegar on various messes and stains, and multiple things in the house.

White vinegar is the liquid equivalent of duct tape when it comes to fixing things around the house. If white vinegar isn’t working, try a Magic Eraser instead. These little white rectangles of wonder can remove many things from surfaces.

cleaning mold in toilet


The steps to getting rid of all the mold growing in your bowl are pretty straightforward. Put on your gloves and mask, and dive in.


  1. Fill the water level in your toilet tank. Flush the toilet to drain out any remaining water. Make sure there is no excess water in your toilet bowl. 
  2. Sprinkle baking soda into the tank and bowl.
  3. Get your scrubber and vinegar (in a spray bottle, preferably). Spray or pour distilled vinegar inside the bowl and allow it to sit for a minute.
  4. Scrub the ring of black mold with a brush or scraper until it comes off.
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 a few times to remove the ring of black mold, as well as any other spots of mold.
  6. Flush the toilet to remove any cleaner or vinegar you used so you don’t leave waste sitting in the bowl.


  1. Fill a cup with bleach and let it soak in the tank for 20-30 minutes. The amount of bleach to water varies depending on the size of your tank. Check the bleach for further instructions.
  2. Finally, give the toilet tank a good wash with a toilet brush. Take care not to damage any of the components within the tank with the scrub brush. You also don’t want to jostle the float in the tank (a continually running toilet is an expensive proposition!) Don’t forget to clean the underside of the toilet lid.
  3. To remove all the waste, flush the toilet a few times.
  4. Dispose of the gloves and clean the toilet brush you’ve used, as they might contain mold spores. It’s best to get rid of everything in this case.
  5. Do not forget to clean yourself up because this isn’t the most hygienic task.
mold toilet cleaning


Mold problems might feel intimidating to face at first, but there are tried-and-tested ways to mitigate them. They can be eradicated with only a few items you currently have on hand and some elbow work in less than one hour. Then, by pinpointing what triggered it in the initial place and investing in preventative tablets, you can avoid black mold from returning. This will benefit you and your family by keeping your bathroom mold-free in the future as well as assisting you to stay healthy.

The first step is to remove the stains from the bowl. You must now clean out any remaining mold spots in the toilet tank since they will grow again if left unchecked. The tank contains the majority of the water and is where the handle is located. Pour a cup of bleach into the tank (usually one cup for every gallon), then scrub the walls to get rid of mold. Once you’ve eliminated the source mold, flush the toilet several times, and you’re good to go.

The most straightforward approach to stopping mold in the toilet is preventing mold growth in the first place. The best step you can take to prevent mold is to clean your toilet regularly. You may use various items that sit in the tank and add a small number of chemicals into each flush so they end up in the tank as waste materials. 

Contact Your Local PuroClean Office for Mold Remediation Services

We recommend that mold remediation and cleanup should be handled by professionals whenever possible. PuroClean specializes in mold removal and cleanup, as well as remediation of the source of mold odor to return your home or business to its pre-loss condition.

Mold remediation may be a time-consuming process, and PuroClean has the knowledge and technology needed for the job. Give us a call 24/7 at 1-800-775-7876, or head to our website to get connected with your local office immediately.