During a disaster, you may have only a few minutes to escape, and taking valuable possessions with you might not be possible.
The winter storms that devastated Texas in February have left impacts that are still felt today.
Water is the biggest enemy of hardwood floors.
The state of Texas is still dealing with the effects of the massive snowstorms that happened in February.
Spring is notorious for its unpredictable weather.
While spring cleaning allows you to get your home in order, you should also focus on tasks that improve your home's safety.
Having a client return to us is usually bittersweet.
Just like your clothes, your washer and dryer are items that require periodic cleaning, though not that often.
Hurricane Laura was the first of what was unfortunately many major hurricanes to form in the 2020 season.
There are many possible reasons why an unpleasant smell lingers in your house.
A small amount of water can cause considerable damage to your home.
Most families at this point are no doubt looking to get out of their homes and get some type of vacation in and try to forget COVID-19 [...]
Hurricanes are the most destructive natural disasters in the U.
Your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system can cause extensive water damage if it’s not maintained properly.
As companies prepare to reopen and welcome back their employees, customers, clients, and others, they have to reconsider how they clean.
Be informed and follow safety precautions to keep the COVID-19 risk down and avoid the virus from spreading.
According to the CDC, cleaning frequently touched objects and surfaces helps prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like the coronavirus.
Mold comes in many textures and colors, but they all have a few things in common — they grow in moist areas, they feed on organic matter, and can pose a threat to your health.
According to the National Weather Service, an average of 33 people have died each year from lightning strikes in the US from 2006 to 2018.
“April showers” are sometimes much more than just a bit of rain.