Pool Safety Checklist

In The Community

Aquatic activities in our backyard pools are a great way to spend time and improve our health. However, keeping everyone safe, especially children, around the pool is a big responsibility. Here are several tips to protect you and your family from swimming pool injuries or other disasters:

  • Install a fence around the pool.
    • Prevent children (who are not supervised by a responsible adult) from entering the pool by having a fence installed around the pool. The fence should be at least 4 feet high and have a self-closing and self-latching gate.
    • Consider installing a gate alarm to alert you if the gate is opened.
    • When the pool is not in use, remove ladders or lawn furniture near the fence to prevent kids from climbing over the fence.
  • In addition to the fence, consider installing a pool alarm that notifies you when someone enters the pool.
  • Install a pool cover that covers the pool entirely. When the pool is in use, remove the cover completely to prevent kids or pets from being trapped underneath it.
  • Children should be taught how to swim from an early age. The ability to float on water is also a skill everyone should know.
  • Always supervise children who are playing in the pool, even if they know how to swim. Stay within arm’s reach of them and never allow them to swim alone. If you can’t supervise children, designate a competent adult to watch the kids while they are in the pool.
  • No one, including adults, should ever swim alone. Also, avoid swimming after consuming alcohol, eating or taking medication.
  • The American Red Cross recommends providing young children or inexperienced swimmers with U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets.
  • Routinely clean and maintain the pool. Adjusting the chemical levels, removing debris, and cleaning the filter are some of the pool maintenance tasks you should do on a regular basis.
  • Make sure the materials on the pool deck, such as a diving board or ladders, are non-slip. Remove any toys or electrical appliances from the deck. Avoid running near the pool to avoid slips and injuries.
  • When diving, make sure the water is deep enough. Be sure that your pool has water depth markers that are clearly visible.
  • Ensure that everyone in your household who is old enough knows how to respond to emergencies. Keep a first aid kit and rescue devices near the pool.

For more general safety tips for children, take a look at this article. Keep children safe from fire. For professional fire, water, and mold restoration services, contact your local PuroClean office.