June is National Safety Month

In The Community

National Safety Month (NSM), organized every June by the National Safety Council (NSC), is an annual observance that focuses on reducing injuries and death at work, on the road, and at home.

This year’s theme, Keep Each Other Safe, highlights the role we all play in eliminating preventable safety risks. Each week of National Safety Month has a different theme: preventing slips, trips, and falls; fighting fatigue; preparing for active shooters; and ergonomics.

Everyone can get involved in reducing the risk of injuries. NSC provides free materials, such as posters, tip sheets, and quizzes to promote safety awareness. Additionally, you can use the free NSC Safety Checkup Tool to determine your risks and learn how to prevent them, as well as explore additional resources on the website.

Poisoning is the leading cause of unintentional injury and death, followed by motor vehicle crashes, falls, choking and suffocation, drowning, fires and burns, and environmental incidents. About 146,571 people died from these hazards in 2015. Although these tragedies happen when least expected, they are all preventable.

As fires are one of the top causes of unintentional injuries or deaths, follow these tips to help prevent them:

National Safety Month is a great time to assess your home for potential safety risks and to spread the word about ways to reduce the risk of injuries. For professional fire damage repair or smoke remediation services, contact your local PuroClean office.