One of the realities of life is that disasters happen. Because they are unexpected, experts agree that one of the best things to do for your family is to prepare by having a Disaster Plan. It is important to ensure that the entire family is prepared and informed in the event of a disaster or emergency. You may not always be together when these events take place and your Disaster Plan should include methods to make sure you are able to contact and find one another. The following are critical to keep in mind for your Disaster Plan:
HOME EVACUATION – Determine the best ways to evacuate your home in case of an emergency such as a house fire. – Make sure everyone in the house knows the location of your Emergency Kit (items suggested below) and water supply. – Establish a safe place for your family to meet. – Include a plan for evacuating your pets. – Practice your evacuation plan frequently. – If you can’t evacuate your home, prepare to be self-sufficient in your home for 72 hours (or seven to 10 days in a health emergency). – If a member of your family has special needs that would require extra assistance, work those details into your family Disaster Plan and Emergency Kit.
KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD – Work with your neighbors to identify people who may need extra help during an emergency, or who you can turn to for help. – Identify your community’s emergency plan. – Identify your community’s evacuation routes. – Identify where emergency shelters are located. – In the event of a disaster, listen to local news stations. If officials ask you to evacuate your neighborhood, follow the routes and go to the location specified by officials. Do not take shortcuts as they could take you to a blocked or dangerous area.
ESTABLISH AN OUT-OF-TOWN EMERGENCY CONTACT – Plan for each family member to call or e-mail the same out-of-town contact person in case of an emergency. – Choose an out-of-town contact that lives far enough to not have been affected by the same event. – Ensure that the designated person knows they are your family contact. – Ensure that you and your family members know or carry the number and e-mail address. – For more information on how to help prepare your children for an emergency, download the Expect the Unexpected Guide for Parents and caregivers.
EMERGENCY KIT – Water – Food (non-perishable) – Manual can opener – Crank or battery-operated flashlight, with extra batteries – Crank or battery-operated radio, with extra batteries – Extra keys for your house and car – First aid kit – Cash in small bills – Special needs items (i.e. medications, infant formula) – Personal hygiene items – Important family documents (i.e. copies of birth and marriage certificates, passports, licenses, wills, land deeds and insurance) – A copy of your Disaster Plan