Tornado Preparedness

Tornado Preparedness in Michigan: Comprehensive Guide for Protecting Your Property


Severe weather events, including tornadoes, are an unfortunate reality for residents and business owners in Michigan. While we may not be able to stop tornadoes from occurring, we can take steps to prepare for them, minimize their impact, and ensure the safety of our families, employees, and properties. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to tornado preparedness with a focus on Michigan residents and businesses, offering practical tips and strategies to protect your property, belongings, and loved ones.

Tornadoes are unpredictable and can strike at any time, making preparedness essential. By understanding the dangers posed by tornadoes, implementing safety measures, and having clear action plans in place, you can be better equipped to face tornado events and safeguard your home or commercial property. From identifying safe spaces in your property to securing your outdoor belongings and reinforcing structurally vulnerable areas, a thorough approach to tornado preparedness can help mitigate the risk of damage and injury during a tornado.

In addition to exploring the essential aspects of tornado preparedness, we will also discuss the importance of working with a professional, trusted restoration partner like PuroClean of Howell. Our expertise in water and fire damage restoration, coupled with knowledge of the unique needs of the Michigan community, makes us a vital resource to have on speed dial in case of tornado-related damage or emergencies. By preparing effectively and arming yourself with the right information and resources, you can confront severe weather events with greater confidence and ensure the safety and security of your most valuable assets.

Identifying Safe Areas in Your Property

An essential aspect of tornado preparedness is identifying and designating safe areas in your home or business. When a tornado warning is issued, it’s important to move to a safe space immediately. Consider the following guidelines when choosing your safe area:

1. Go to the lowest level: Basements or storm cellars are the best options during tornadoes, but if you don’t have a basement, choose an interior room on the lowest floor of your property.

2. Choose an interior room: The selected room should be windowless and as close to the center of the building as possible.

3. Avoid large rooms and areas with long roof spans: These spaces, such as gymnasiums or warehouses, are more likely to succumb to roof collapse during tornadoes.

4. Ensure accessibility: Make sure all family members or employees are aware of the designated safe area and practice tornado drills regularly.

Securing Outdoor Belongings

Loose outdoor items can become dangerous projectiles during a tornado, causing significant damage to your property and posing a risk to occupants. Implement these steps to secure your outdoor belongings:

1. Secure outdoor furniture: Secure outdoor furniture and other items, such as grills or playground equipment, by anchoring them to the ground or moving them into a garage or shed.

2. Install wind-resistant fencing: Choose heavy-duty, closely-spaced fence posts and reinforce them with concrete footings to minimize the risk of fences being torn away during tornadoes.

3. Prune trees and shrubs: Regularly trim trees and shrubs around your property to minimize the risk of broken branches causing damage or injury during a tornado.

4. Garage doors: Strengthen your garage door with a retrofit kit to make it more wind-resistant, and ensure it remains closed during tornadoes.

Reinforcing Structurally Vulnerable Areas

With proper reinforcement, you can make your property more resistant to tornado damages. Here are some strategies for bolstering structurally vulnerable areas:

1. Install storm shutters: Protect your windows by installing storm shutters or reinforcing them with 5/8-inch plywood.

2. Secure doorways: Install a wind-rated exterior door with at least three hinges and a deadbolt that penetrates the door frame.

3. Reinforce garage doors: Retrofit your garage door with vertical bracing systems, or replace it with a wind-rated garage door.

4. Anchor the roof: Professionally installed straps and clips can be used to anchor your roof to the walls, adding stability and reducing the likelihood of roof failure.

Tornado Emergency Kit Essentials

A well-stocked tornado emergency kit can help protect your family or employees during and after a tornado. Your kit should include:

1. Non-perishable food and water: Plan for a three-day supply of food and water per person.

2. First-aid kit: Make sure your kit contains bandages, antibiotic ointment, tweezers, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.

3. Flashlights and batteries: Include multiple flashlights or headlamps, along with extra batteries.

4. Battery-operated or hand-crank radio: A NOAA Weather Radio can help you stay updated on the latest weather warnings and information during a tornado.

5. Whistle: A whistle can be used to signal for help if you become trapped in debris.


Tornado preparedness is essential for Michigan homeowners and businesses. By following these strategies, you can better protect your property, belongings, and loved ones in the event of a tornado. Remember that regular planning and practice can make all the difference when it comes to navigating severe weather events with confidence.

Having the support of a trusted restoration partner like PuroClean of Howell, a residential restoration company, is another crucial component of tornado preparedness. Our expertise in water and fire damage restoration, combined with our dedication to the Michigan community, makes us an invaluable asset in times of need following tornado-related damage or emergencies.