What Are the Causes of Office Water Damage and What Are the Consequences? Property managers of office buildings are often aware that water damage can be truly consequential.
After a house fire, the danger unfortunately doesn’t stop once the flames have been put out.
Smoke alarms are extremely important in keeping you and your family safe in case of a household fire.
After years of smoking in a home, walls and contents become blemished and develop bad odors.
Mold comes in many textures and colors, but they all have a few things in common — they grow in moist areas, they feed on organic matter, and can pose a threat to your health.
After a flood, many homeowners and property managers wonder if their carpet and pad can be saved.
Musty-smelling carpets are both unpleasant and dangerous.
Black water is floodwater that contains contaminants and viruses that present severe risks of illness.
Dishwasher fires are not the most common appliance-related fires.
Sewage flooding, typically occurring in the basement or bathroom, is a critical problem that needs to be addressed immediately.
There are many possible reasons why an unpleasant smell lingers in your house.
As companies prepare to reopen and welcome back their employees, customers, clients, and others, they have to reconsider how they clean.
According to the CDC, cleaning frequently touched objects and surfaces helps prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like the coronavirus.
Coronavirus are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats.
What is Coronavirus? “Coronavirus” is an umbrella term for many types of viruses.
Washing machine mold, which is typically found on the rubber gasket of front-loading machines, is a common household problem.
In addition to making plans for you and your loved ones’ safe trip, don’t forget to take some basic safety precautions to keep your house and belongings safe.
As in all water-related incidents, time is crucial.
After an event that causes water damage in your home, not only would the floors be affected, but often the walls are as well.