sump pump

How to Prevent Your Sump Pump Line from Freezing

Mold Restoration
sump pump

When your sump pump discharge hose freezes, the sump pump has to work harder as a result of the heat and may fail completely as a consequence of overheating. The next time water builds up in your sump basin, this could be extremely problematic for your basement. Follow these precautions to avoid your sump pump line from freezing.

Sump Pump Maintenance Tips

Outside of your house, make sure the sump pump discharge line is sunken in the ground or raised above grade at a downward angle.

To protect the pipe from freezing, bury it at least five inches below the frost line (the maximum depth of ground below which the soil doesn’t freeze). The pipe’s most vulnerable area is where it joins the earth at the frost line and where the water disperses.

Extend the discharge line away from the home at a downward slope if you go with an above-grade solution. The slope does not have to be steep, but it must be continuous so that water may flow. Connect a freeze-resistant hose to the end of the discharge hose. Discharge water at least 20 feet from the foundation. Use a smooth, rigid hose to ensure there is no place for water to accumulate. Water in pipes that are too straightened is more prone to freeze.

To keep the discharge and intake sections of the sump pump frozen, insulate them and the pipe connecting the two. Cover the outside pipe with hay (a natural insulator) and a tarp for a more basic repair. Don’t put any anti-freeze in the sump pump.

Check your sump basin and test the sump pump from time to time to ensure that it is in good working order. Make sure nothing is blocking your flex discharge line, including snow, ice. Also, make sure your pump doesn’t shoot water onto your sidewalk or driveway, as this can create hazardous ice.

If your sump pump pipe is frozen, use portable heaters to thaw it. Don’t use a blow torch to melt the line because you risk hurting yourself or damaging the property. If you can’t thaw the hose on your own, turn off the sump pump and call a professional plumber.

sump pump

Contact PuroClean of Lafayette For Professional Water Damage Restoration Services

PuroClean is here if your property floods or experiences other water damage, or mold. We are available 24/7. For professional water damage restoration or mold remediation, contact PuroClean of Lafayette at (765) 701-4242.