When emergency-related property damage hits your home, the frustration and confusion you feel can seem unbearable. Don’t hesitate to contact PuroClean of Summerlin West. We are dedicated to prompt property restoration with minimal disruption to your daily life. We want you to be completely satisfied and we strive to exceed your expectations throughout the process. For immediate response to your property restoration needs call us at (phone_number].
At PuroClean, we strive to reduce damage and minimize the effects of the destruction brought on by unexpected disasters. In a property emergency, PuroClean takes immediate response in restoring your property back to pre-loss condition. PuroClean has earned the reputation as “The Paramedics of Property Damage™” as a result of competent, efficient, and timely care. Our professionals are trained to handle the most difficult situations in a moment’s notice to resolve and help restore your property back to normal so that you can get back to your routine without missing a step. We understand that any loss to your property is both stressful and costly. In fact:
When PuroClean handles the job from start to finish, you can enjoy significant claim savings, as well as the peace of mind that your property is in expert hands. As specialists in remediation, first we salvage everything that can be saved, then our construction specialists make all the necessary post-mitigation repairs.
[VIDEO] To remove soot and smoke from walls, furniture and floors, use a mild soap or detergent or mix together 4 to 6 tbsp. tri-sodium phosphate and 1 cup household [...]
STOP! Moving or running feeds air to the flames and worsens the fire. DROP to the floor—if you stand up, the fire can burn your face. ROLL slowly on the [...]
[VIDEO] No! Water conducts electricity and can deliver a potentially deadly electric shock. If the fire is from an appliance and you can safely unplug it, go ahead. You can [...]
Yes. Exposure to any smoke can irritate the eyes and cause breathing and other health issues. With a modern fire many synthetic materials will be burnt – they produce hazardous [...]
In most losses, cleaning the soot and smoke is the toughest part. Moreover, even small fires can cause major damage within minutes and leave lingering odors if not cleaned up [...]