Your Local Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA Property Restoration Blog

How to Make a Fire Escape Plan

According to a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) survey, only one of every three American households have developed and practiced a home fire escape plan.

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Outdoor Electrical Safety Tips

While you enjoy the fresh air, be sure to exercise caution when using outdoor electrical appliances, equipment and tools.

Smoke Alarms for People with Hearing Impairments

Smoke alarms save lives.

Emergency Preparedness – You Can Be a Hero Too

As we continue to observe Fire Prevention Week, we invite you to watch this short movie together with your children, and start developing an emergency family plan.

Tips for Cleaning the Rust off Chrome Fixtures

Here’s an easy trick how to clean rust off chrome bathroom fixtures and how to keep it looking clean longer: make a thick paste with Barkeeper’s Friend (available online) and water.

October is National Fire Prevention Month

While this campaign lasts the entire month, most fire departments designate the second week of October as Fire Prevention Week, during which demonstrations and expos are held in different U.

Restoration Response: Fire vs. Water

Fire damage restoration and water damage restoration are two very different types of jobs, so it’s no surprise that they need to be approached by the responding restorers accordingly.

ice dam on roof
Winter Weather Home Maintenance: Preventing Ice Dams

When the topic of winter weather home maintenance comes into focus, the emphasis is typically put on preventing frozen and broken water pipes, a common issue that homeowners experience in [...]

Can Mold Exposure Lead to Parkinson’s-Like Symptoms? Findings Indicate Possibility

We all know that mold exposure isn’t conducive to a healthy indoor environment.

Mold: Fact vs. Fiction (Part I)

Mold is one of the most common problems that homeowners face.

Flooded home. Spring flooding prevention is important during the months between winter and summer.
Recent Flooding Serves as Reminder on Importance of Fast Action

If Superstorm Sandy was the restoration industry’s biggest storyline in 2012, there’s a good chance that the September Colorado flooding will be the storyline best associated with 2013.

Fourth of July BBQ and Fireworks Safety Tips

June 21st officially kicked off the beginning of summer.

EPA Lead-Safe Rules

In April 2010, the EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rules (RRP) went into effect regarding renovation, repair and restoration in homes and other structures that might contain lead paint.

Common Misconceptions about Mitigation and Restoration

Over the years, there has been an abundance of misconceptions and non-truths involving property damage and restoration procedures.

mold on wall
Water Damage and Mold

Due to the recent floods throughout the United States, much of the nation has experienced violent weather in recent months and literally millions of people have had a deluge (rain [...]

What To Do After the Storm

“April showers” are sometimes much more than just a bit of rain.

MRSA Protection For You and Your Loved Ones

MRSA, also known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that has been found in the environment.

The Flu: Protecting Yourself and Others

No one likes to be sick, especially with the Flu.

And You Thought It Was Just a Fire

Restoration of smoke and fire damage is very challenging.

winter water damage ice dam
What is an ice dam, and how does it form?

A phenomenon that can occur from Autumn through Spring is ice dams on the roofs of homes.

How to Prevent Frozen Pipes and What to Do to Unfreeze Them
Freezing Pipes

Water is a unique substance.

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