Fourth of July BBQ and Fireworks Safety Tips

June 21st officially kicked off the beginning of summer. With summer already in full swing and many areas throughout the US being in extreme drought conditions and too dry, extra fire safety precautions for this Fourth of July weekend are a MUST! PuroClean offers these Fire Safety Tips we have found online from the City of Yuma, Arizona's Article, "Fire Safety Tip – 4th of July Holiday Safety"  here:
• Never use gasoline to start BBQ grills
• Never dump hot coals in dumpsters
• If you are camping, be sure to check the regulations on fires. Many areas may be closed to all fires (including charcoal grills) due to extreme dry conditions
• Never leave a fire unattended and always be sure it is dead out when you leave
• When boating, always wear a Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device, and always have children closely supervised anytime they are around water
• If you want to include fireworks in your holiday celebration, check where professional displays will be held. Attending a professional fireworks display is the only legal way to celebrate the 4th of July, (fireworks are illegal in the Sate of Arizona)

Another great resource for Fireworks safety is The National Council on Fireworks Safety. Their article, "Be Fireworks Smart Before, During and After Your Consumer Fireworks Display"  also offers helpful safety tips for firework safety. Remember to check your city or town's laws regarding fire safety and see if they have any rules regarding BBQ’s, cookouts and fireworks during this Fourth of July!