Hurricanes are the worst natural disasters in U.
Does your home have too many electrical devices and too few outlets to plug them all? Chances are you’re using extension cords to power up your electrical devices.
Water can damage your home even in winter.
If your sump pump discharge hose freezes, the sump pump is forced to work harder, and could fail completely due to overheating.
Hoarders are emotionally attached to their collections and can compromise their own safety just to hold on to those items.
There’s something magical about lights during the holiday season … but also something dangerous.
Thanksgiving Day is festive celebration but did you know that it’s also the leading day for home cooking fires, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Post-hurricane damage is often extensive, and restoration is not something a property owner should undertake without understanding a bit more about the process.
Dangers of cleaning sewage in a basement.
When it comes to safety in and around the swimming pool or spa, drowning is usually the first danger that comes to mind.
The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend public displays conducted by professionals.
Radon is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless radioactive gas found in rock, soil, and water, and is relatively harmless outdoors.
Although we use them every day, many cleaners and chemicals we keep in our homes can be very dangerous if splashed on the skin, inhaled or ingested.
In the aftermath of a home fire, it’s very important to know what to do and what to avoid doing.
Since 2004, September has been the National Preparedness Month, and this year is no exception.
Bad odors often linger in places like the kitchen, basement and bathroom; they permeate you pets’ favorite spots, carpet and fabric fibers, and more.