Newport News continues to stand as one of the biggest cities in the state. After going through a growth explosion in the 1960s, it has continued to reinvent itself in many ways. Located on the northern tip of the Virginia Peninsula, it is home to over 180,000 people and is widely renowned for its rich history and diverse cultural offerings.
However, Newport News has been known to be especially prone to flooding due to its coastal location and natural disasters like hurricanes. Not only do the residents of Newport News get threatened by heavy rainfall and riverine flooding, but also by tidal flooding and storm surge.
Newport News is particularly vulnerable when a nor’easter or a tropical system blows in. While floods can occur in any place where excessive rainfall takes place, the city’s proximity to a body of water makes the residents more susceptible than usual. Also, there are a lot of older buildings that bring some of the appeal to the city, and those buildings are also a little more susceptible to property damage.
If there are any issues with your property in Newport News or the surrounding areas, there are locations with PuroClean training that will provide quality care right away.
The PuroClean network of expert technicians are accustomed to assisting individuals and companies to reduce losses after a crisis. Beyond experience, our specialists have all been trained at the PuroClean Academy and achieved additional certifications as well. Our crews have been helping Newport News residents with their emergencies and crises for over a decade. Following are a couple of many reasons to choose PuroClean Newport News water damage restoration specialists:
State-of-the-Art Equipment: Puroclean’s water damage restoration specialists are highly skilled in using the vast array of professional remediation equipment we have on hand. This equipment will remove any moisture or water in your home or business. The specialty state-of-the-art drying equipment includes heavy duty water extractors, dehumidifiers, big fans, and additional specialty tools needed to dry hardwood floors, along with any other specialty needs.
Excellent Response Time: Within hours of your initial call to Puroclean, we will arrive on site to assess your emergency. Delayed response to your flood emergency can turn a small problem into a huge, expensive catastrophe.