Your Local Buffalo, NY Property Restoration Blog


PuroClean’s Clean Start Program vs Standard Janitorial Services

As companies prepare to reopen and welcome back their employees, customers, clients, and others, they have to reconsider how they clean.

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Coronavirus Home Cleaning Tips
Home Disinfection Tips: The Right Way to Disinfect

According to the CDC, cleaning frequently touched objects and surfaces helps prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like the coronavirus.

Guidelines for Coronavirus Cleaning

Coronavirus are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats.

remove washing machine mold
Tips to Remove Mold from Washing Machines

Washing machine mold, which is typically found on the rubber gasket of front-loading machines, is a common household problem.

Flu Season Is Here: Fight the Flu by Taking These 3 Steps

No one likes to be sick, especially with the influenza virus or the flu.

How to Restore Hardwood Flooring After Water Damage

As in all water-related incidents, time is crucial.

How Do I Dry out Walls After Water Damage?

After an event that causes water damage in your home, not only would the floors be affected, but often the walls are as well.

How To Clean and Get Smoke Damage Out Of Clothes After a House Fire

In the aftermath of a fire, it’s important to take immediate action to save your home and its contents.

Top 10 Reasons Your Smoke Alarm Goes Off Randomly

Smoke alarms are extremely important in keeping you and your family safe in case of a household fire.

How to Fend Off the Flu at Work

It’s National Preparedness Month and we want you to be prepared for the upcoming flu season (October through May).

Campfire Safety – Prevent Injuries and Accidental Fires

While campfires can bring warmth and joy to your camping trip, they can also be dangerous.

How to Protect Your Home from Hurricanes or Severe Storms

Hurricanes are the worst natural disasters in U.

mold in walls signs
How to Know if Mold Is in Your Walls

Mold often grows out of sight in wall cavities due to water problems like flooding or leaks.

The Top Extension Cord Safety Tips

Does your home have too many electrical devices and too few outlets to plug them all? Chances are you’re using extension cords to power up your electrical devices.

Preventing Water Damage in Winter

Water can damage your home even in winter.

Frozen Pipes? Here’s What You Should Do

Water bursting through frozen pipes is a common sight in homes during periods of very cold weather.

How to Prevent Your Sump Pump Line from Freezing

If your sump pump discharge hose freezes, the sump pump is forced to work harder, and could fail completely due to overheating.

Winter Fire Safety Tips

We need heat to keep us warm during cold weather, but heating the home doesn’t come without risks.

Best Practices for Using a Dehumidifier

While you can’t control the moisture outside, you can control the humidity levels in your home.

Hoarding Safety Risks and Clean-up Procedures

Hoarders are emotionally attached to their collections and can compromise their own safety and relationships just to hold on to those items.

Carbon Monoxide Detector Safety Tips – Avoid This Deadly Gas in Your Home

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that can be safely detected in your home only by CO detectors.

Contact PuroClean Property Damage Restoration