Emergency Preparedness – You Can Be a Hero Too

As we continue to observe Fire Prevention Week, we invite you to watch this short movie together with your children, and start developing an emergency family plan.

Remember: you can be a hero by being prepared for an emergency situation.

1. Make a plan
Call a family meeting to plan for things like how to connect with loved ones after an emegency or your escape route.
2. Build a kit
When disaster strikes it's important to have enough supplies to last 3 days.
And don't forget the batteries.
3. Know the facts.
From blackouts to floods, no matter the emergency, the more you know about it, the better you can deal with it.
4. Get involved
Lend a hand in your community to help others know their role in an emergency.

You can be a hero by being prepared!


Check back with us for fire safety tips and don’t forget to like us on facebook !


PuroClean is a leading commercial and residential restoration franchising company.  Founded in 2001, the company offers fire and water cleanup and restoration services, mold mitigation and remediation, and biohazard cleanup and removal throughout the United States and Canada through its franchise network of 240 offices. Learn more.