Radon is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless radioactive gas found in rock, soil, and water, and is relatively harmless outdoors.
Although we use them every day, many cleaners and chemicals we keep in our homes can be very dangerous if splashed on the skin, inhaled or ingested.
The first warm days in the spring are ideal for having fun outdoors, but it is also the perfect time for inspecting and adjusting the exterior of our homes.
In the aftermath of a home fire, it’s very important to know what to do and what to avoid doing.
Disasters can occur when you least expect.
In the unfortunate case that your possessions get stolen or destroyed in a fire or other disaster, having an itemized list of all your belongings is crucial to recovering them [...]
Bad odors often linger in places like the kitchen, basement and bathroom; they permeate you pets’ favorite spots, carpet and fabric fibers, and more.
Generally speaking, if your air ducts look dirty, they probably are, and they should be cleaned professionally.
Smoke alarms save lives.